In the mid 1960s, a proposal to set up an Institute under the name of "Institute for Planning and Administration of National Economy" was forwarded to Pandit Jawahar Lal Nehru, Prime Minister of India and Chairman, Planning Commission, Government of India. A study tour was undertaken under Dr. M. K. Chaudhuri's commission during 1964-65 to acquire first hand knowledge about the working of similar institutions in Europe. A working paper on Regional Planning was circulated under the name of "Indian Institute of Planning" in 1969.
After resigning from Professorship at IIM (Indian Institute of Management) Bangalore, and after having been a Professor at XLRI Jamshedpur, Dr. Chaudhuri took over as Research Professor and founder Director of IIPM in 1973. Incidentally, Dr. Chaudhuri has also been the founder director of management courses at IMT Ghaziabad. At IIPM, the first residential full-time Post-Graduate Diploma Programme commenced on 12th August 1974, with students selected through admission tests and interviews held in New Delhi, Calcutta, Bombay & Bangalore. IIPM pioneered the all India admission procedure by holding admission tests and interviews in 15 centers, namely, Ahmedabad, Bangalore, Bhopal, Bhubaneshwar, Mumbai (Bombay), Kolkata (Calcutta), Chandigarh, New Delhi, Guwahati, Hyderabad, Jaipur, Lucknow, Chennai, Patna & Trivandrum. The institute has, through the experiences of the past decades, accumulated a vast and massive base of knowledge and learning. It has grown in the areas of activities, at the same time maintaining a close connection with various competencies that have working synergies with the core management education area. IIPM's activities now range from education & rural development programmes to management consulting, public relations, marketing consulting, research, training & development, human resources consulting & media consulting.
About IIPM > Mission

The Indian Institute of Planning and Management has set before it the twin tasks: (1) to reorient education and research towards the needs of both the private and public (government) sectors and (2) to establish the link between the national economic planning and the development of private enterprises in our country. The Indian Institute of Planning and Management aims at initiating training and research on problems of development that must be solved for realizing planned national objectives. Unfortunately education in India has still remained primarily oriented towards the needs of the private sector and has overlooked the specific requirements of the public sector. India has even failed to do justice to the private sector by not properly formulating the basic framework within which they should operate. The scope and role of the Indian private sector, in the context of national economic planning, is quite distinct from that of the foreign private sector firms operating in free market economies originally developed through colonial exploitation.
Problems of development of the private and the public sectors are, therefore, to be studied and analyzed carefully in the background of national economic planning. Otherwise, India would not be able to translate the laudable goals of plans into physical realities, however sophisticated the planning models may be. Despite the basic differences that exist between the private and the public sector, once the strategy for planned development has been formulated, both the sectors must draw up their operational plans in a complementary way to realize the planned objectives. Otherwise, India may find the public and the private sectors working at cross-purposes. Undertaking objective commitments towards these goals, IIPM has set up various Centers to objectively support these goal oriented commitments. Foundations like the Great Indian Dream Foundation also are examples of the effectiveness that such movements can bring about.
As an educational institute, IIPM aims at developing a three dimensional personality in our students. (1) Pursuit of knowledge, (2) commitment to economic, social and cultural uplifting of masses and (3) cultivation of taste for literature, fine arts etc. IIPM's success is seconded by our turning out leaders and entrepreneurs year after year who are committed to the Indian masses and are so urgently needed by the country.
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