Thursday, July 19, 2012

Stay Poor, stay Dangerous

Stockpiling Nuclear Weapons is not The Solution to Pakistan’s Problems

The nation founded by Mohammad Ali Jinnah is hardly doing any justice to his vision, for it is busy stockpiling more nuclear weapons than what India has in a rat race of South Asian nations. David Albright, President of the Institute for Science and International Security, has predicted that Pakistan’s nuclear warheads have crossed the 100 mark, compared to India’s stockpile, estimated to be between 60 to 90. Pakistan had 30 to 60 weapons in its arsenal in 2007.

Pakistan is among a few countries rapidly increasing their nuclear warheads despite economic vulnerabilities and social stigmas. Why is Pakistan doing this? There are diverse reasons for that. Firstly, insecurity – it constantly wants to be in the limelight for being among the most important players in world diplomacy; and nukes apparently play up the importance level (aka Russia). Secondly, having more nukes means being perceived as more unstable; the result – US gets involved more and greases the palms of Pakistani military and political personnel more handsomely to control them! Thirdly, to be perceived as the leader of the Muslim world. This is the below the line objective of the Pakistani establishment as currently, Saudi Arabia is miles ahead in this regard.