Thursday, March 7, 2013

10 years to Clean up The Ganga

The NGRBA needs another 10 years to Clean up The Ganga; Will it be Too Late by Then?

The World Bank has stepped forward with an offer of $ 1 Billion to help save the Ganga, but is lack of funding the main obstacle? Not, says Ms Rama Rauta, Convener of Save Ganga Movement and expert member of the NGRBA. “It’s bureaucratic apathy and lack of political will that stands in the way. For example, there are plenty of STPs, but there’s no power. The STPs thus don’t work, and untreated effluents go right into the river again.” She believes if the decision-making powers lay in the hands of scientists and environmentalists instead of politicians, “we could have cleaned out the Ganga 10 times over by now!” A couple of thousand crores have been expended to date – though the government spends nearly as much on the Ardha Kumbh and Maha Kumbh Melas periodically – but the squalid state of affairs only point to inefficient use of Operation and Maintenance (O&M) funds.

What hope is there for the Ganga? There is, in the River Thames in England. Says Dr. Nitish Priyadarshi, Geologist and Lecturer in the Department of Environment and Water Management at Ranchi University, “Thames, which remained polluted for many years in the wake of the Industrial Revolution and rapid urbanisation, is now pristinely clean.” Rakesh Jaiswal also mentions River Rhine as a good model to learn from. “It is just a matter of having the will and working together.” Dr Priyadarshi reiterates.

Indeed we have no choice but to work together to salvage the Ganga, if we expected to be bestowed with salvation by this river from the heavens any longer.

Source : IIPM Editorial, 2012.
An Initiative of IIPM, Malay Chaudhuri
and Arindam Chaudhuri (Renowned Management Guru and Economist).

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