Strengthening of democratic institutions would be equally crucial. Sarath Fernando, moderator of the Movement of Lands and Agriculture Reform, told TSI, “A country needs strong democratic institutions for confidence building. We are no exception.” A strong independent media is the need of the hour. One of the conflict’s casualties has been an independent press that can openly criticise both the parties without any fear of retribution. Sri Lanka’s ranking in a press-freedom index has slid in recent years as prominent journalists critical to both the Rajapaksa political family and the LTTE have been assaulted, threatened and even killed.
The campaign promises have been rather positive. Parties, openly chauvinistic in the past, talked about reconciliation this time around. However, the process of reconciliation depends on what the winner actually does in office. Although constitutional reforms to end marginalisation look a far cry, small positive indications from the regime will definitely help bolster harmony. “Harmony is the priority. Reconciliation is a big word. We need sustained rational regimes to achieve that,” adds Sarweshwaran.
International observers also agree with this line. The roots of the decades-long conflict — social, economic and political imparity — needs to be done away with. If left unaddressed, Tamil humiliation and frustration could well lead to militancy again. Says, Chris Patten, the co-chairman of the International Crisis Group who is working continuously in Sri Lanka since several months, “Sinhalese-dominated political parties should make strong moves toward a more inclusive and democratic state. The onus lies on Tamil parties too. However, as in any democracy, it is the majority that leads the way.”
And at the end, it is remains to be seen whether Ponnambalam Ramanathan can return to Vavuniya and work successfully and unhindered as a carpenter. Given his background, many enemies will be lurking in the shadows.
The campaign promises have been rather positive. Parties, openly chauvinistic in the past, talked about reconciliation this time around. However, the process of reconciliation depends on what the winner actually does in office. Although constitutional reforms to end marginalisation look a far cry, small positive indications from the regime will definitely help bolster harmony. “Harmony is the priority. Reconciliation is a big word. We need sustained rational regimes to achieve that,” adds Sarweshwaran.
International observers also agree with this line. The roots of the decades-long conflict — social, economic and political imparity — needs to be done away with. If left unaddressed, Tamil humiliation and frustration could well lead to militancy again. Says, Chris Patten, the co-chairman of the International Crisis Group who is working continuously in Sri Lanka since several months, “Sinhalese-dominated political parties should make strong moves toward a more inclusive and democratic state. The onus lies on Tamil parties too. However, as in any democracy, it is the majority that leads the way.”
And at the end, it is remains to be seen whether Ponnambalam Ramanathan can return to Vavuniya and work successfully and unhindered as a carpenter. Given his background, many enemies will be lurking in the shadows.
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