Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Give change a chance

After loss of key leaders FARC is skeptical about peace agreement

It is a double whammy for the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC). Within months, it has lost its leaders, Manuel “sureshot” Marulanda and Raul Reyes, a secretariat member and international spokesperson of FARC. Though these deaths are not a devastating blow to the FARC as construed by many, it surely is a setback to a peace agreement which FARC was looking forward to for quiet some time. Many political observers, including leftists, hope that the new leader Alfonso Cano, can go for fresh negotiation and settle for peace. But, the question is whether the Colombian President Alvaro Uribe would allow it. He and the ruling class of Colombia and its paramilitary have vested interests in perpetuating the conflict.

Source : IIPM Editorial, 2012.

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