Monday, October 15, 2012


Don’t play against nature, it will surely bite you back later...

Obama’s decision may revolutionise the medical research world but everything comes at a cost. US alone has 400,000 embryos in labs and it’s only a matter of time when selling embryos would become a vibrant business. Worse, some individuals have certain genetic uniqueness which make their body more resistant to chronic diseases than rest. Michael Crichton’s best seller named ‘Next’ precisely talked about how such people can be hounded by the research agencies for commercial cultivation of such blood. There are several instances where experiments with stem cell research created severe anomalies on those treated. Even if one keeps aside the religious reservation against stem cell research, if the objective is to create more healthy people then on any given day such artificial mutations are less effective than natural healing, something mankind has forgotten nowadays. Isn’t it better to do yoga to heal the body than tamper with genes? Think once..

Source : IIPM Editorial, 2012.

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