Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Saam, Daam... a little more Daam

The legal environment reflects the larger shame of Indian venality

Were you feeling proud lately on how India’s banking system could teach US banks a thing or two about asset management? Well, the India growth story now also has lessons for the World Bank, but not in the manner you would be imagining. The World Bank initiated India Detailed Implementation Review (DIR) has exposed corruption in Indian health projects and has learned how to better tackle corruption in public procurement. Five out of five projects it studied in India (2006) were deemed to be extremely vulnerable to fraud. No wonder then that India ranks 103 out of 201 countries in the World Bank’s ‘control of corruption’ indicator for 2008.

Quite unfortunately, the malaise has spread wide and deep. Take, for instance, the entire arena of law enforcement. The country’s domestic investigating and law enforcing agencies are often accused of being sleazy, negligent, and flat inefficient. There is no dearth of shameful stories of negligence and corruption.

Source : IIPM Editorial, 2012.

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